MacBook Air 13 '(slutningen af ​​2010-2017) batteri

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MacBook Air 13 '(slutningen af ​​2010-2017) batteri


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$ 84,99

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$ 84,99

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Dette udskiftningsbatteri til MacBook Air 13 '(sidst i 2010 til 2017) er det, du har brug for for at bringe din bærbare computer tilbage til livet. Vores eftermarkedsudskiftningsbatterier fører branchen inden for kvalitet og pålidelighed - hver er testet og garanteret at have en kapacitet på mere end 6800 mAh.



  • MacBook Air 13 '(slutningen af ​​2010-2017) batteri
  • Spudger
  • iFixit Precision Bit Driver
  • Præcision 4 mm bits:
    • Pentalobe P5
    • Torx T5
Kalibrer dit nyinstallerede batteri for optimal ydeevne: Oplad det til 100%, og bliv opladet i mindst 2 timer mere. Brug derefter din enhed, indtil den slukker på grund af lavt batteriniveau. Til sidst oplades det uafbrudt til 100%. '}'>
En lille procentdel af brugerne har oplevet problemer med eftermarkedsbatterier (ikke Apple), der ikke genkendes korrekt på enheder, der kører Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.x) eller Sierra (10.12.x). Hvis dit system ikke fungerer korrekt med vores udskiftningsbatteri, kan det returneres for fuld refusion. '}'>



Dette udskiftningsbatteri til MacBook Air 13 '(sidst i 2010 til 2017) er det, du har brug for for at bringe din bærbare computer tilbage til livet. Vores eftermarkedsudskiftningsbatterier fører branchen inden for kvalitet og pålidelighed - hver er testet og garanteret at have en kapacitet på mere end 6800 mAh.

Kalibrer dit nyinstallerede batteri for optimal ydeevne: Oplad det til 100%, og bliv opladet i mindst 2 timer mere. Brug derefter din enhed, indtil den slukker på grund af lavt batteriniveau. Til sidst oplades det uafbrudt til 100%. '}'>
En lille procentdel af brugerne har oplevet problemer med eftermarkedsbatterier (ikke Apple), der ikke genkendes korrekt på enheder, der kører Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.x) eller Sierra (10.12.x). Hvis dit system ikke fungerer korrekt med vores udskiftningsbatteri, kan det returneres for fuld refusion. '}'>



  • MacBook Air 13 'A1369 slutningen af ​​2010 til midten af ​​2011
  • MacBook Air 13 'A1466 medio 2012 til 2017



Model nr .: A1496 Watt timer: 54,4 Wh Spænding: 7,6 V Milliamp timer: 7160 mAh Producent: Aftermarket


iphone 7 mikrofon fungerer ikke på opkald


Model nr .: A1496 Watt timer: 54,4 Wh Spænding: 7,6 V Milliamp timer: 7160 mAh Producent: Aftermarket



Et års garanti

  • Nyt / Fix Kit
  • Nyt / kun del

Installer video


MacBook Air 13 'Tidlig 2014
A1466 (EMC 2632) 1,4 GHz
A1466 (EMC 2632) 1,7 GHz
MacBook Air 13 'Tidligt i 2015
A1466 (EMC 2925) 1,6 GHz
A1466 (EMC 2925) 2,2 GHz
MacBook Air 13 'Tidligt i 2017
A1466 (EMC 3178) 1,8 GHz
A1466 (EMC 3178) 2,2 GHz
MacBook Air 13 'slutningen af ​​2010
A1369 (EMC 2392) 1,86 GHz
A1369 (EMC 2392) 2,13 GHz
MacBook Air 13 'medio 2011
A1369 (EMC 2469) 1,7 GHz
A1369 (EMC 2469) 1,8 GHz
MacBook Air 13 'medio 2012
A1466 (EMC 2559) 1,8 GHz
A1466 (EMC 2559) 2,0 GHz
MacBook Air 13 'medio 2013
A1466 (EMC 2632) 1,3 GHz
A1466 (EMC 2632) 1,7 GHz

Vis yderligere 4 enheder

Skjul 4 enheder


MacBook Air 13 'Udskiftning af batteri i begyndelsen af ​​2014



MacBook Air 13 'udskiftning af batteri i begyndelsen af ​​2015



MacBook Air 13 'udskiftning af batteri i starten af ​​2017



MacBook Air 13 'udskiftning af batteri i slutningen af ​​2010



MacBook Air 13 'midten af ​​2011 udskiftning af batteri



MacBook Air 13 'medio udskiftning af batteri



MacBook Air 13 'midten af ​​2013 udskiftning af batteri



kunde anmeldelser

>> STØRSTE SHT NOGENSINDE! STOP IKKE MED DIN SERVICE! FOR MANGE VIRKSOMHEDER DER ER BULLSHT! Hver gang jeg bestiller fra dig, får jeg stor kvalitet med god service fra det øjeblik, jeg laver ordren, indtil jeg installerer ordren! VIDEOER ER STOR OGSÅ! SÅ MEGET BEHOVET! (TUMMER OP STOR LEAGUE!) ',' Date ':' 8. marts ',' created_date ': 1615259171,' modified_date ': 1615259400,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3869607,' navn ':' SUSAN SEILER ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-7.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3869607 / SUSAN + SEILER ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' STØRSTE SHT NOGENSINDE! IGEN: TAK IFIXIT! LEVERING INKLUDERET ... ENESTÅENDE! S / H FOR BEGGE PRODUKTER >>> STØRSTE SHT NOGENSINDE! STOP IKKE MED DIN SERVICE! FOR MANGE VIRKSOMHEDER DER ER BULLSHT! HVER GANG, JEG BESTILER FRA DIG, FÅR JEG STOR KVALITET MED STOR SERVICE FRA MOMENTET, JEG GØR BESTILLINGEN, TIL JEG INDGIVER '}, {' reviewid ': 25211,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ' : 'MacBook Air 13 ' (slutningen af ​​2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Nyt / Fix-sæt ',' body ':' Fantastisk! Jeg er blevet fortalt så mange gange, at du ikke kan udskifte et mac book luftbatteri. Jeg købte dette og udskiftede det på 20 minutter, og det fungerer godt. ',' Date ':' 8. marts ',' created_date ': 1615222300,' modified_date ': 1615222335,' langid ':' en ',' author ': { 'userid': 3861553, 'name': 'Jenean Smith', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit / avatar- 5. thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3861553 / Jenean + Smith ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Fantastisk! Jeg er blevet fortalt så mange gange, at du ikke kan udskifte et mac book luftbatteri. Jeg købte dette og udskiftede det på 20 minutter, og det fungerer godt. '}, {' Reviewid ': 25163,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' Fantastisk erstatning ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '( Sent 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Kun nyt / kun del ',' body ':' Mit batteri var 5 år gammelt. Det skulle ændres, fordi det til enhver tid skulle tilsluttes. Efter at have skiftet det ud, kan jeg køre det på zoomopkald i 3 timer, før jeg oplader igen. Perfekt tak! ',' Date ':' 5. marts ',' created_date ': 1614975407,' modified_date ': 1614975525,' langid ':' da ',' author ': {' userid ': 2813989,' name ': 'Kristen Anderson', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-9.thumbnail', 'url': ' https: / / / User / 2813989 / Kristen + Anderson ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Mit batteri var 5 år gammelt. Det skulle ændres, fordi det til enhver tid skulle tilsluttes. Efter at have skiftet det ud, kan jeg køre det på zoomopkald i 3 timer, før jeg oplader igen. Perfekt tak! '}, {' Reviewid ': 25144,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' Fantastisk! Kunne ikke være nemmere, gør det selv ... Så tilfreds med iFixIt ... ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(sent 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName': 'New / Fix Kit' , 'body': 'Fantastisk ... Jeg var nervøs for at udskifte Apple-batteriet med iFixIt-batteriet ... Min bekymring var ' vil hardwareoversigten genkende et nyt batteri og vil meddelelsen om 'dårlig ydelse' blive fjernet ' . Nå, det hele fungerer problemfrit. Den fysiske udskiftning var meget let, jeg fulgte 'batterikalibrering til punkt og prikke' og kontrollerede derefter hardwareoversigten. Se batteriets serienummer, mærke (iFixit) og optællingen = 1. Beskeden om dårlig ydelse er væk, batteriets helbred er fremragende. Hvis du er i tvivl, burde du ikke være det, iFixIt er FANTASTISK! Sørg for at se videoen. OH, en advarsel, der ikke er i videoen. Mit bagcover havde en lille 'pin / trigger' af plast, der faldt af. Sørg for, at dette er fastgjort til bagcoveret. NOg jeg sparede $ 200. My Air er uden garanti ... Apple citerer, at en autoriseret leverandør skal opkræve $ 129 for at udskifte batteriet, men min lokale leverandør citerede $ 320 - $ 340. Da jeg spurgte hvorfor? Kænguru erklærede, fordi vi kan opkræve mere og ikke ville give en grund til $ 200 tillæg. Ugh. Det var da min datter anbefalede, at hun har brugt iFixIt, og returnering var let, når noget ikke gik rigtigt, iFixIt gjorde det rigtigt. Yay! NSpar penge, DIY er så meget bedre plus iFixDet vil stå bag produktet. ',' Date ':' 5. marts ',' created_date ': 1614957508,' modified_date ': 1614958196,' langid ':' en ' , 'author': {'userid': 3858302, 'name': 'Doug Jamieson', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User /ifixit/avatar-12.thumbnail','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc ' : 'Fantastisk ... Jeg var nervøs for at udskifte Apple-batteriet med iFixIt-batteriet ... Min bekymring var ' vil hardwareoversigten genkende et nyt batteri og vil meddelelsen 'dårlig ydeevne' blive fjernet '. Nå, det hele fungerer problemfrit. Den fysiske udskiftning var meget let, jeg fulgte 'bat'}, {'reviewid': 25106, 'rating': 5, 'headline': 'Customer Care is Excellent', 'productName': 'MacBook Air 13 ' ( Sent i 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Nyt / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Dette batteri er lige, hvad min MacBook Air (2011) har brug for. n Det var let at arbejde med IFIXIT. De er kyndige og professionelle. N Kundeserviceafdelingen på IFIXIT er den bedste. ',' Date ':' 4. marts ',' created_date ': 1614871373,' modified_date ': 1614871544,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3858169,' name ':' Linda Williams ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-12.thumbnail','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Dette batteri er lige, hvad min MacBook Air (2011) har brug for. n Det var let at arbejde med IFIXIT. De er kyndige og professionelle. NKundeserviceafdelingen hos IFIXIT er den bedste. '}, {' Reviewid ': 25100,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 ' (Sent 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' New / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Prisen ankom rettidigt. Videoinstruktionen var virkelig klar og nem at følge, selv for en total ikke-teknisk - det eneste forslag, jeg har, er at inkorporere 'sætte det sammen igen ' instruktioner for at undgå at skulle jage og skumme gennem genmonteringsvideoen. Batteriet er nu installeret, kalibreret og brugt / genopladet et par gange, og alt ser ud til at fungere godt. Jeg sætter også pris på opfølgningen og kundeservicemails, der spørger, om alt gik godt. Alt i alt meget tilfreds med og vil bestemt anbefale / useAgain. ',' Date ':' 4. marts ',' created_date ': 1614867113, 'modified_date': 1614867434, 'langid': 'da', 'author': {'userid': 3861492, 'name': 'theresa abell', 'avatar': 'https: / / / igi /FoF2oWpI4QfievGI.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3861492 / theresa + abell ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ': 'Prisen ankom rettidigt. Videoinstruktionen var virkelig klar og nem at følge, selv for en total ikke-teknisk - det eneste forslag, jeg har, er at inkorporere 'sætte det sammen igen ' instruktioner for at undgå at skulle jage og skumme gennem genmonteringsvideoen. Batteriet er nu blevet installeret '}, {' reviewid ': 25099,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(Sent 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName ':' Nyt / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Super ligetil - de værktøjer, jeg havde brug for til at udskifte, var inkluderet, instruktionerne var klare. Og det hele ankom hurtigt. Tilfreds! ',' Date ':' 4. marts ',' created_date ': 1614865337,' modified_date ': 1614865409,' langid ':' da ',' author ': {' userid ': 3855830,' name ':' T Braunschneider ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-1.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3855830 / T + Braunschneider ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Super ligetil - de værktøjer, jeg havde brug for til at udføre swap var inkluderet, instruktionerne var klare. Og det hele ankom hurtigt. Tilfreds! '}, {' Reviewid ': 25096,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' Battery replacement ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(Sent 2010-2017) Battery', 'productVariantName': 'Nyt / Fix Kit', 'body': 'Det nye batteri var let at installere og MacBook fungerer nu som nyt! Gammelt batteri gik til Staples elektronisk affald. Tak !! ',' date ':' 4. marts ',' created_date ': 1614858620,' modified_date ': 1614858812,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3845217,' name ': 'Patricia M Teitelbaum', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-8.thumbnail', 'url': 'https: / / / User / 3845217 / Patricia + M + Teitelbaum', 'canEdit': false}, 'body_trunc': 'Det nye batteri var let at installere og MacBook fungerer nu som ny! Gammelt batteri gik til Staples elektronisk affald. Tak !! '}, {' reviewid ': 25092,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(Sent 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName': 'Ny / kun del', 'body': 'Det virker, det svulmer ikke.', 'Date': '3. marts', 'created_date': 1614822976, 'modified_date': 1614822987, 'langid': ' da ',' author ': {' userid ': 2914888,' name ':' Yolanda Padilla ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / Bruger / ifixit /avatar-6.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 2914888 / Yolanda + Padilla ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Det virker, det svulmer ikke op. '}, {' reviewid ': 25040,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' Så det værd ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '( Sent i 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Nyt / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Forsendelse var lidt forsinket (lad det være mig at bestille lige før en større vejrhændelse, haha), men værktøjerne var perfekte til jobbet, og batteriet fungerer godt! At følge videoen hjalp virkelig, og jeg skal bare afslutte batterikalibreringen, men jeg er virkelig begejstret. Dette var ærligt talt hver krone værd, 'date': '2. marts', 'created_date': 1614735071, 'modified_date': 1614735182, 'langid': 'en', 'author': {'userid': 3855738, 'name ':' George Brodbeck ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-8.thumbnail ',' url ' : 'https: / / / User / 3855738 / George + Brodbeck', 'canEdit': false}, 'body_trunc': 'Forsendelse var lidt forsinket (lad det være at bestille bare før en større vejrbegivenhed, haha) men værktøjerne var perfekte til jobbet, og batteriet fungerer godt! At følge videoen hjalp virkelig, og jeg skal bare afslutte batterikalibreringen, men jeg er virkelig begejstret. Dette var ærligt urt '}, {' reviewid ': 25032,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' MacBook Air kom tilbage til livet! ',' ProductName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(sent 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Kun ny / kun del ',' body ':' Forynget min Macbook Air! Batterikapacitet er faktisk lidt højere end specifikationerne. Virkelig forbedret min tid mellem opladninger. Meget meget værd de lidt ekstra penge. Tak. ',' Date ':' 2. marts ',' created_date ': 1614720266,' modified_date ': 1614720529,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3854898,' name ':' Andrew Ring ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-10.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3854898 / Andrew + Ring ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Forynget min Macbook Air! Batterikapacitet er faktisk lidt højere end specifikationerne. Virkelig forbedret min tid mellem opladninger. Meget meget værd de lidt ekstra penge. Tak. '}, {' Reviewid ': 25001,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' STOR produkt, NEM udskiftning. ',' ProductName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(slutningen af ​​2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName': 'Nyt / Fix Kit', 'body': 'Nem udskiftning, absolut pengene værd! Tak, fordi du tjekkede på mine fremskridt. ',' Date ':' 2. marts ',' created_date ': 1614696828,' modified_date ': 1614696941,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3853950, 'navn': 'Jonathan Jones', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-2.thumbnail', ' url ':' https: / / / User / 3853950 / Jonathan + Jones ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Let udskiftning, absolut pengene værd! Tak, fordi du tjekkede på mine fremskridt. '}, {' Reviewid ': 24952,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(Sent 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName': 'Kun ny / kun del', 'body': 'Perfekt!', 'dato': '1. marts', 'created_date': 1614587608, 'modified_date': 1614587625, 'langid': 'da', 'author': {'userid': 1787043, 'name': 'Mitchell Lawrence', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-8.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 1787043 / Mitchell + Lawrence ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ': 'Perfekt!'}, {'Reviewid': 24854, 'rating': 5, 'headline': 'Spar tid og penge! DU KAN GØRE DET SELV OM 10-15 minutter. ',' ProductName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(sent 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName': 'New / Fix Kit', 'body': 'Easy and Enkel installation, ikke svært at finde videoinstruktioner. Forsendelse og ankomst var hurtigere end forventet (detaljer følger). Jeg har kalibreret det nye batteri og har arbejdet godt uden problemer, indtil videre alligevel. Vil 100% anbefale denne vare til alle, der spekulerer på, om de selv kan arbejde på deres computer! Svaret er JA, og det skal du. Tag MONOPOLY slags strøm fra BIG RETAIL, og hold den til dem. Kundeservice er en del af at have en sådan virksomhed, og APPLE, at din servicekvalitet falder. N nDetaljer for de interesserede: nJeg tog oprindeligt min computer med til Apple for at få dem til at udskifte batteriet, efter at dets selvdiagnostik viste, at det ældre batteri (7 år gammel) havde formindsket kapacitet og ville få computeren til at slukke med 40% tilbage, hvis den ikke var tilsluttet. Efter at være blevet informeret om æbler 'krav ' om at forlade min computer natten over (teknologi, der ikke i øjeblikket er i butik, var historien ), så diagnosen kunne udføres, og udfør derefter den enkle udskiftning af batteriet på 10 minutter. Jeg valgte at give afkald på at udskifte apple, som koster 129 $ i forhold til 100 for dette efter markedsversion efter skat og eventuel forsendelse, hvis det opkræves. Jeg bestilte det (ifixit-batteri) online den eftermiddag, og jeg så, at den forventede ankomst var angivet til at være den følgende uge. Fint af mig, da min computer fungerer fint, mens den er tilsluttet strøm, og jeg har brug for den til arbejde. Åbenbart mangler det fra kl. 12.30 til en 'mulig' modtagelse af den samme dag, men sandsynligvis gjort den næste dag, ville det ikke skære det for mig, jeg er på det hver dag. Sikker på, at jeg måske havde været i stand til at bruge min telefon, hvis det var nødvendigt, men her er det, det ikke skulle være nødvendigt for en simpel batteribytte. Jeg planlægger at få mit batteri den følgende uge. Jeg bestilte torsdag efter kl. 13, den næste dag fredag ​​kl. 12 var mit udskiftningsbatteri ved min dør. Det er rigtigt, at jeg havde udskiftet mit computerbatteri og gennemgå kalibreringsprocessen hurtigere end reparationstiden hos apple havde givet mig åh, og APPLE ventede ikke på Dele (de havde dem på lager) bare ingen reparationsteknologi tilgængelig eller fungerede. APPLE lod mig ikke engang planlægge en aftale, så teknologien kunne køre diag og udskifte batteriet. n n GØR denne installation selv, spar dig DRIVE, APPT-TIDEN og vent (måske), bestil dette kit (fulgte med de nødvendige værktøjer, hvis du ikke har dem til mindre end hvad APPLE, der opkræver for udskiftning. n nJeg har hørt horrorhistorier om, at Aftermarket-batterier ikke fungerer og ødelægger tingene. Mest sandsynligt på grund af forkert installation, men alle de historier, jeg har hørt om dette, kom fra Apple-medarbejdere eller reps. Disse produkter er solide, og jeg kan varmt anbefale. ',' date ' : '25. februar', 'created_date': 1614282356, 'modified_date': 1614283864, 'langid': 'en', 'author': {'userid': 3849321, 'name': 'Jacob Reczek', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-11.thumbnail', 'url': 'https: / / www.ifixit .com / User / 3849321 / Jacob + Reczek ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Nem og enkel installation, ikke svært at finde videoinstruktioner. Forsendelse og ankomst var hurtigere end forventet (detaljer skal følges Jeg har det nye batteri kalibreret og har fungeret godt n o spørgsmål, indtil videre alligevel. Vil 100% anbefale denne vare til alle, der spekulerer på, om de kunne arbejde på t '}, {' reviewid ': 24848,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 ' (Slutningen af ​​2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Nyt / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Deres batteri og de to skruetrækkere, der er nødvendige for at fjerne bagsiden af ​​min MacBook Air, fungerede alt sammen som anført. Når jeg først fik batteriet og værktøjerne, tog udskiftningen kun ca. 15 minutter og var meget let. Det var meget nyttigt at se videoen på forhånd ',' date ':' 25. februar ',' created_date ': 1614275941,' modified_date ': 1614276059,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3847288,' navn ':' Steven Phenix ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-1.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3847288 / Steven + Phenix ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Deres batteri og de to skruetrækkere, der skal fjernes bagsiden af ​​min MacBook Air fungerede alle som angivet. Når jeg først fik batteriet og værktøjerne, tog udskiftningen kun ca. 15 minutter og var meget let. Det var meget nyttigt at se videoen på forhånd '}, {' reviewid ': 24847,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(Sent 2010-2017) Batteri', ' productVariantName ':' New / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Arbejdede som en charme. Meget let at udskifte. ',' Date ':' 25. februar ',' created_date ': 1614272674,' modified_date ': 1614272691,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3857214,' name ' : 'Subramaniam Vinod', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-11.thumbnail', 'url': 'https: / / / User / 3857214 / Subramaniam + Vinod', 'canEdit': false}, 'body_trunc': 'Fungerede som en charme. Meget let at udskifte. '}, {' Reviewid ': 24710,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' Fungerer godt. Super let. ',' ProductName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(sent 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName': 'New / Fix Kit', 'body': 'Fantastisk batteri. Super let installation. Værktøjer inkluderet. Og de har et vid på det websted, som jeg fulgte ',' date ':' 22. februar ',' created_date ': 1614005443,' modified_date ': 1614005554,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ' : 3842328, 'name': 'David Roberts', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-8.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3842328 / David + Roberts ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Fantastisk batteri. Super let installation. Værktøjer inkluderet. Og de har et vid på det websted, som jeg fulgte '}, {' reviewid ': 24705,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(Sent 2010-2017) Battery ',' productVariantName ':' New / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Det var den rigtige erstatning, og min Mac er tilbage til, hvordan den var før. Tak! ',' Date ':' 22. februar ',' created_date ': 1614002617,' modified_date ': 1614002773,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3840956,' name ':' Edlyn Williams ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-7.thumbnail ',' url ':' https : / / / User / 3840956 / Edlyn + Williams ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Det var den rigtige erstatning, og min Mac er tilbage til, hvordan den var før . Tak! '}, {' Reviewid ': 24626,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' Fremragende erstatningsbatteri ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(sent 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName ':' Nyt / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Det er meget effektivt og nemt at udskifte batteriet på min MacBook Air uden problemer. ',' Date ':' 19. februar ',' created_date ': 1613721756,' modified_date ': 1613721808,' langid ':' da ',' author ': {' userid ': 3848596,' name ':' JOSE LOPEZ JR ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-10.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3848596 / JOSE + LOPEZ + JR ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Det er meget effektivt og nemt at udskifte batteriet på min MacBook Air uden problemer. '}, {' Reviewid ': 24580,' rating ': 5, 'headline': 'SO EASY, tog mindre end 5 minutter', 'productName': 'MacBook Air 13 ' (sent 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' New / Fix Kit ',' body ': 'Jeg kan ikke tro, at jeg fikset det selv! Jeg var så tæt på bare at købe en ny MacBook. Jeg havde to venner, der foreslog, at jeg skulle få et nyt batteri i stedet, og en af ​​dem sendte mig et link til dette websted. Det var så let. Jeg brugte $ 100 på at puste lidt mere liv ind i min MacBook Air fra 2013 i stedet for $ 1400 for en ny. Tak !!! ',' date ':' 17. februar ',' created_date ': 1613608495,' modified_date ': 1613608590,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3837971,' name ' : 'Amberla Tepe', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-3.thumbnail', 'url': 'https: / / / User / 3837971 / Amberla + Tepe', 'canEdit': false}, 'body_trunc': 'Jeg kan ikke tro, at jeg har ordnet det selv! Jeg var så tæt på bare at købe en ny MacBook. Jeg havde to venner, der foreslog, at jeg skulle få et nyt batteri i stedet, og en af ​​dem sendte mig et link til dette websted. Det var så let. Jeg brugte $ 100 på at puste lidt mere liv ind i min MacBook Air fra 2013 i stedet for $ 1400 til en ny '}, {' reviewid ': 24517,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' Dette er en meget nem reparation at lave ' , 'productName': 'MacBook Air 13 ' (sent 2010-2017) batteri ',' productVariantName ':' New / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Værktøjerne fungerede godt, og instruktionerne var lette at følge. ' , 'date': '17. februar', 'created_date': 1613567347, 'modified_date': 1613567420, 'langid': 'en', 'author': {'userid': 3846878, 'name': 'Zac Gowen', 'avatar': 'https: / / / igi /WSYRU3w61QLUWiZ6.thumbnail', 'url': 'https: / / / User / 3846878 / Zac + Gowen ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Værktøjerne fungerede godt, og instruktionerne var lette at følge. '}, {' Reviewid ': 24443,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(slutningen af ​​2010-2017) batteri', 'productVariantName': 'New / Only Only', 'body': 'Og nu kan jeg få yderligere 5 år ud af min elskede Luft ... ',' dato ':' 13. februar ',' created_date ': 1613237606,' modified_date ': 16132376 32, 'langid': 'da', 'author': {'userid': 916941, 'name': 'jml9904', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / billeder / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-12.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 916941 / jml9904 ',' canEdit ': false}, 'body_trunc': 'Og nu kan jeg få yderligere 5 år ud af min elskede Air ...'}, {'reviewid': 24424, 'rating': 5, 'headline': '', 'productName' : 'MacBook Air 13 ' (slutningen af ​​2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Nyt / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Så glad for, at jeg bestilte dette batteri. Det var så essay at installere. Gemte min bærbare computer! ',' Date ':' 12. februar ',' created_date ': 1613170085,' modified_date ': 1613170144,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3833458,' name ': 'John McNary', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-1.thumbnail', 'url': ' https: / / / User / 3833458 / John + McNary ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Så glad for, at jeg bestilte dette batteri. Det var så essay at installere. Gemte min bærbare computer! '}, {' Reviewid ': 24418,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' Afsluttede dette på få minutter! ',' ProductName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(sent 2010-2017 ) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' New / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Perfekt pasform, let at installere, og du behøver ikke instruktionerne for at installere. Jeg bestilte gummifødderne, men jeg havde ikke brug for at udskifte mine. Den næste installation er en ny øvre og sænker hårdt etui, da jeg let bøjede min under international rejse. ',' Date ':' 12. februar ',' created_date ': 1613159280,' modified_date ': 1613159390,' langid ':' en ' , 'author': {'userid': 2717064, 'name': 'jeffery Harris', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User /ifixit/avatar-7.thumbnail','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc ' : 'Perfekt pasform, let at installere, og du behøver ikke instruktionerne for at installere. Jeg bestilte gummifødderne, men jeg havde ikke brug for at udskifte mine. Den næste installation er en ny overdel og sænker hårdt etui, da jeg let bøjede mig under international rejse. '}, {' Reviewid ': 24388,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(sidst i 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName': 'Nyt / Fix Kit', 'body': '??????', 'date': 'February 11', 'created_date': 1613075108, 'modified_date': 1613075132, 'langid': 'en', 'author': {'userid': 3831667, 'name': 'Brian Tilden', 'avatar': 'https: / / d1ulmmr4d4i8j4.cloudfront .net / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-4.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3831667 / Brian + Tilden ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' ?????? '}, {' reviewid ': 24342,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ': 'MacBook Air 13 ' (slutningen af ​​2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Kun nyt / kun del ',' body ':' ligefrem installation. fungerer godt. ',' date ':' 10. februar ',' created_date ': 1612974401,' modified_date ': 1612974419,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 1021566,' name ':' civiellomichael ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-9.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 1021566 / civiellomichael ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' straight forward installation. fungerer godt. '}, {' reviewid ': 24318,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(Sent 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName': ' Nyt / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Let og løst mit problem ',' date ':' 10. februar ',' created_date ': 1612964293,' modified_date ': 1612964311,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3830488,' name ':' Felicia Tripoli ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-12.thumbnail','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Easy og løst mit problem '}, {' reviewid ': 24268,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(Sent 2010-2017) Batteri', 'productVariantName': 'Nyt / Fix Kit', 'body': 'Fantastisk produkt. enkle instruktioner. Brug for at forstå, hvordan man bortskaffer / genbruger de gamle Lithium MacBook Air-batterier ',' date ':' 9. februar ',' created_date ': 1612878170,' modified_date ': 1612878199,' langid ':' en ',' author ' : {'userid': 3837682, 'name': 'Narayan Tripunithura', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit / avatar-11.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3837682 / Narayan + Tripunithura ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Fantastisk produkt . enkle instruktioner. Brug for at forstå, hvordan man bortskaffer / genbruger de gamle Lithium MacBook Air-batterier '}, {' reviewid ': 24120,' rating ': 1,' headline ':' Irriterende emballagefejl sætter dig tilbage ',' productName ': 'MacBook Air 13 ' (slutningen af ​​2010-2017) batteri ',' productVariantName ':' nyt / fix-kit ',' body ':' Jeg ville normalt ikke skrive en anmeldelse, men en simpel emballagefejl efterlod mig med to af de samme T5 bor. Dette var en helt undgåelig hikke, og nu er jeg nødt til at komme ud og købe en skruetrækker efter bevidst at betale for et sæt. Seriøst folk, djævelen er i detaljerne ... du koster mig tid og penge! ',' Date ':' 4. februar ',' created_date ': 1612492502,' modified_date ': 1612492886,' langid ':' da ',' author ': {' userid ': 3835043,' name ':' Justin Risica ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-2.thumbnail ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3835043 / Justin + Risica ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Jeg ville normalt ikke skrive en anmeldelse, men en simpel emballagefejl efterlod mig med to af de samme T5 bor. Dette var en helt undgåelig hikke, og nu er jeg nødt til at komme ud og købe en skruetrækker efter bevidst at betale for et sæt. Seriøst folk, djævelen er i detaljerne ... du koster '}, {' reviewid ': 24104,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '( Sent 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Nyt / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Easy Install og fungerer som en perfekt erstatning på min 2015 Macbook Air. ',' Date ':' 4. februar ', 'created_date': 1612464831, 'modified_date': 1612464889, 'langid': 'en', 'author': {'userid': 3831960, 'name': 'Mark Adrion', 'avatar': 'https: / / ',' url ':' https: / / / User / 3831960 / Mark + Adrion ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Easy Install og fungerer som en perfekt erstatning på min 2015 Macbook Air. '}, {' Reviewid ': 24059,' rating ': 5 , 'headline': 'Tak iFixIt :)', 'productName': 'MacBook Air 13 ' (sent 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' New / Fix Kit ',' body ':' My batteri har været dårligt i et stykke tid, og hvad bedre tid til at ordne det i karantæne var jeg bekymret for, at jeg ikke kunne d o det alene, i betragtning af at jeg er meget dårlig til værktøjer, men jeg var i stand til at ordne batteriet i min 7 år gamle macbook air! Jeg overvejede at få en ny bærbar computer, men det var meget billigere og reddede mig totalt. Fix kit tillod mig nemt at installere batteriet, og instruktionerne var super nyttige! ',' Date ':' 3. februar ',' created_date ': 1612393977,' modified_date ': 1612394134,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3832980,' name ':' Helen Viec ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-10.thumbnail','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'My batteriet har været dårligt i et stykke tid, og hvad bedre tidspunkt at ordne det i karantæne var jeg bekymret for, at jeg ikke kunne klare det alene, i betragtning af at jeg er meget dårlig til værktøjer, men jeg var i stand til at ordne batteriet i min 7 år gamle macbook air! Jeg overvejede at få en ny bærbar computer, men dette wa '}, {' reviewid ': 24005,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(Sent 2010-2017 ) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' New / Fix Kit ',' body ':' Fantastiske instruktioner og godt produkt! My Air fungerer igen - tak! ',' Date ':' 2. februar ',' created_date ': 1612297903,' modified_date ': 1612297932,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3815598, 'navn': 'Lisa Wu', 'avatar': 'https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-8.thumbnail', ' url ':' https: / / / User / 3815598 / Lisa + Wu ',' canEdit ': false},' body_trunc ':' Fantastiske instruktioner og godt produkt! My Air fungerer igen - tak! '}, {' Reviewid ': 23976,' rating ': 4,' headline ':' Kontroller, at den inkluderer skruetrækkere. ',' ProductName ':' MacBook Air 13 '(sent 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Kun nyt / kun del ',' body ':' Kun haft det i et par dage, men indtil videre så godt. Min eneste klage er, at online-produktbilledet indeholder de nødvendige skruetrækkere, som jeg fandt vildledende, da de ikke er inkluderet. Sørg for at kontrollere, at dette er føjet til ordren, det er ikke automatisk. ',' Date ':' 2. februar ',' created_date ': 1612268119,' modified_date ': 1612268776,' langid ':' en ',' author ': {' userid ': 3820478,' name ':' John Carluccio ',' avatar ':' https: / / / static / images / avatars / User / ifixit /avatar-5.thumbnail','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Kun havde det i et par dage, men indtil videre så godt. Min eneste klage er, at online-produktbilledet indeholder de nødvendige skruetrækkere, som jeg fandt vildledende, da de ikke er inkluderet. Sørg for at kontrollere, at dette er føjet til ordren, det er ikke automatisk. '}, {' Reviewid ': 23854,' rating ': 5,' headline ':' ',' productName ':' MacBook Air 13 ' (Sent 2010-2017) Batteri ',' productVariantName ':' Kun ny / kun del ',' body ':' Fungerede fint og genoplivet mac air ',' date ':' 28. januar ',' created_date ': 1611882960, 'modified_date':1611882998,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3299035,'name':'Edgar Barocio','avatar':' /static/images/avatars/User/ifixit/avatar-1.thumbnail','url':' Barocio','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Worked fine and revitalized the mac air'},{'reviewid':23829,'rating':5,'headline':'Perfect fit','productName' :'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Product shipped quickly, and fit exactly as expected. How-to videos were extremely helpful.','date':'January 28','created_date':1611855582,'modified_date':1611855678,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3812823,'name':'morgan walker','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Product shipped quickly, and fit exactly as expected. How-to videos were extremely helpful.'},{'reviewid':23827,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Easy install and holds a charge like the original battery.','date':'January 28','created_date':1611852041,'modified_date':1611852092,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3813266,'name':'Martin Carver','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Easy install and holds a charge like the original battery.'},{'reviewid':23777,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Part Only','body':'Instructions were easy to swap out. New battery breathed new life into a 8 year old MacBook Air. Great value for the money.','date':'January 28','created_date':1611821386,'modified_date':1611821430,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3812729,'name':'Vu Nguyen','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Instructions were easy to swap out. New battery breathed new life into a 8 year old MacBook Air. Great value for the money.'},{'reviewid':23759,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'It solved my problem and was very easy to install.','date':'January 27','created_date':1611773819,'modified_date':1611773851,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3812287,'name':'Susan Weiner','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'It solved my problem and was very easy to install.'},{'reviewid':23754,'rating':5,'headline':'Order with a peace of mind that you will be able to repair on your own.','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Just perfect. I was able to open up Macbook air on my own and replace the old battery with a new one. you guys are awesome in providing the toolkit needed for the repair.','date':'January 27','created_date':1611760101,'modified_date':1611760188,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':494819,'name':'ashuji2','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Just perfect. I was able to open up Macbook air on my own and replace the old battery with a new one. you guys are awesome in providing the toolkit needed for the repair.'},{'reviewid':23721,'rating':5,'headline':'My MacBook Air is alive again!','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Part Only','body':'New battery has brought me life to my 2014 MacBook Air - video tutorial made it simple and easy. Weu2019ll order from iFixit again, for sure.','date':'January 26','created_date':1611688623,'modified_date':1611689190,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3809721,'name':'Carter Bish','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'New battery has brought me life to my 2014 MacBook Air - video tutorial made it simple and easy. Weu2019ll order from iFixit again, for sure.'},{'reviewid':23713,'rating':5,'headline':'Super Simple to Follow','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Very easy to use, instructions made everything clear and it was done within 10 minutes. Works fantastic now.','date':'January 26','created_date':1611681599,'modified_date':1611681666,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3806342,'name':'Arianna Battistiol','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Very easy to use, instructions made everything clear and it was done within 10 minutes. Works fantastic now.'},{'reviewid':23652,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Product is great!! The tool sent with it was SO helpful!!!','date':'January 25','created_date':1611596581,'modified_date':1611596609,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3816081,'name':'Shana Petrovski','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Product is great!! The tool sent with it was SO helpful!!!'},{'reviewid':23581,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Quick and easy. Battery working fine.','date':'January 22','created_date':1611320566,'modified_date':1611320593,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3373981,'name':'Joel Nelso','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Quick and easy. Battery working fine.'},{'reviewid':23461,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'The new battery was delivered promptly and the instructions were clear. I was able to replace the battery on my Macbook Air very easily. I did this two days ago so I can't really tell whether the new battery is good or not however, the computer is working well and the battery life is much better than my previous one which was 7 years old and lasted only a couple hours.','date':'January 19','created_date':1611067547,'modified_date':1611067765,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3801641,'name':'Veronica Ferreira','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'The new battery was delivered promptly and the instructions were clear. I was able to replace the battery on my Macbook Air very easily. I did this two days ago so I can't really tell whether the new battery is good or not however, the computer is working well and the battery life is much better tha'},{'reviewid':23435,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Thank you for making this process so simple! I was able to keep my beloved old MacBook Air alive for minimal costs with a simple battery replacement. This saved me a lot of headache, time, and money in an economically uncertain time. We should always protect our rights to repair our own property and yu2019all make that process simple. Thank you!!!','date':'January 19','created_date':1611047495,'modified_date':1611047719,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3801889,'name':'shelby schuh','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Thank you for making this process so simple! I was able to keep my beloved old MacBook Air alive for minimal costs with a simple battery replacement. This saved me a lot of headache, time, and money in an economically uncertain time. We should always protect our rights to repair our own property and'},{'reviewid':23363,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'This kit was really great and made it very easy to replace my battery myself (saving me lots of $$ I'm sure). The only thing they didn't note in the amazingly wonderful directions & video was that you have to peel off the plastic that covers the battery. I mean, pretty obvious, but I felt they should have noted that the plastic should be removed. (Hmm, I assumed it should be removed. Hope I was right!) The battery works great. I'll definitely look to iFixIt for my next DIY repair.','date':'January 15','created_date':1610737564,'modified_date':1610737740,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3792146,'name':'Karen Storms','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'This kit was really great and made it very easy to replace my battery myself (saving me lots of $$ I'm sure). The only thing they didn't note in the amazingly wonderful directions & video was that you have to peel off the plastic that covers the battery. I mean, pretty obvious, but I felt they sho'},{'reviewid':23337,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Easy installation exactly as advertised! Complete package.','date':'January 15','created_date':1610715706,'modified_date':1610715874,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3796404,'name':'Harold Sample','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Easy installation exactly as advertised! Complete package.'},{'reviewid':23269,'rating':5,'headline':'Go for it!','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'A solid solution with well documented installation and charging instructions. Buy the tool, if in doubt. Easy DIY. Thank you!','date':'January 13','created_date':1610597521,'modified_date':1610597773,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3793112,'name':'Danny Henderson','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'A solid solution with well documented installation and charging instructions. Buy the tool, if in doubt. Easy DIY. Thank you!'},{'reviewid':23236,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Product was spot on. The packaging and tools worked well. I will always purchase from you.','date':'January 13','created_date':1610540738,'modified_date':1610540791,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3804645,'name':'Jeffer Connell','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Product was spot on. The packaging and tools worked well. I will always purchase from you.'},{'reviewid':23145,'rating':5,'headline':'Don't drag your feet like I did -- it's easy and it's great!','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'So far so good -- replaced my battery this weekend and my MacBook Air is running like it did 5 years ago. The videos and instructions were easy to follow (though I think a one page printed version in the box would be a useful addition) and the whole process took me 15 minutes. Easy, comparatively cheap, and I should have done it a couple years ago!','date':'January 11','created_date':1610374395,'modified_date':1610374493,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3801633,'name':'DAKOTA KORTH','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'So far so good -- replaced my battery this weekend and my MacBook Air is running like it did 5 years ago. The videos and instructions were easy to follow (though I think a one page printed version in the box would be a useful addition) and the whole process took me 15 minutes. Easy, comparatively ch'},{'reviewid':23136,'rating':5,'headline':'Easy Peasy','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Extremely easy repair and MacBook works like new again. Thanks!','date':'January 11','created_date':1610366304,'modified_date':1610366379,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3800872,'name':'CURTIS RUSSELL','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Extremely easy repair and MacBook works like new again. Thanks!'},{'reviewid':23130,'rating':5,'headline':'Easy fix for failing battery','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Very easy battery replacement and my 2017 macbook is working smoothly with good battery life again. Also a good opportunity to clear dust out of the innards. Only 4 days since replacement, but so far so good.','date':'January 10','created_date':1610341290,'modified_date':1610341295,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3801728,'name':'Jeff Zbornik','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Very easy battery replacement and my 2017 macbook is working smoothly with good battery life again. Also a good opportunity to clear dust out of the innards. Only 4 days since replacement, but so far so good.'},{'reviewid':23057,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Mac back to normal now !','date':'January 8','created_date':1610117751,'modified_date':1610117767,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':2426759,'name':'John Pancoast','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Mac back to normal now !'},{'reviewid':23045,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Works perfectly in my 2012 MacBook air. Great instructions and support. Was super easy. Love the stickers too, stuck them on all the things I fix!','date':'January 8','created_date':1610116073,'modified_date':1610116122,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3786008,'name':'Paul Krebs','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Works perfectly in my 2012 MacBook air. Great instructions and support. Was super easy. Love the stickers too, stuck them on all the things I fix!'},{'reviewid':23043,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Beautiful and easy to use in all aspects, it comes with all the tools as well.','date':'January 8','created_date':1610112924,'modified_date':1610112965,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3786333,'name':'Steven Benitez','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Beautiful and easy to use in all aspects, it comes with all the tools as well.'},{'reviewid':23040,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'My shipment arrived BEFORE the anticipated date, installed easily (thanks to clear instructions), and got my device up and running as expecte d. - But now what do I do with the old battery?','date':'January 8','created_date':1610111967,'modified_date':1610112058,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3786230,'name':'Craig Nix','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'My shipment arrived BEFORE the anticipated date, installed easily (thanks to clear instructions), and got my device up and running as expected. - But now what do I do with the old battery?'},{'reviewid':22945,'rating':4,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'All the tools needed. Easy repair in minutes. MacBook Air like new again. My first experience with ifixit and it was perfect.','date':'January 6','created_date':1609920360,'modified_date':1609920505,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3793877,'name':'William R Bowden','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'All the tools needed. Easy repair in minutes. MacBook Air like new again. My first experience with ifixit and it was perfect.'},{'reviewid':22790,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Fantastic battery. Great install instructions.','date':'12/31/2020','created_date':1609432914,'modified_date':1609432941,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':516444,'name':'infodoug','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Fantastic battery. Great install instructions.'},{'reviewid':22710,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Part Only','body':'The installation was very easy for this product. I did create an issue during the installation and iFixit was great at working with me as I worked my way through finding the problem.','date':'12/30/2020','created_date':1609339477,'modified_date':1609339576,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3776715,'name':'Tom Isley','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'The installation was very easy for this product. I did create an issue during the installation and iFixit was great at working with me as I worked my way through finding the problem.'},{'reviewid':22702,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'EXCELLENT guide on web and you tube! simple fix!','date':'12/30/2020','created_date':1609334148,'modified_date':1609334231,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3784487,'name':'Robert Mieden','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'EXCELLENT guide on web and you tube! simple fix!'},{'reviewid':22697,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'clear instructions, easy to install, so far works great','date':'12/30/2020','created_date':1609315710,'modified_date':1609315747,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3784664,'name':'Dalya Zucker','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'clear instructions, easy to install, so far works great'},{'reviewid':22678,'rating':5,'headline':'Fast Service - Easy Instructions - It's FIXED!','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Part Only','body':'iFixit is a boon to the modern world. Their replacement part came quickly, was exactly the right part, and the online tutorials on how to install it are spot on. How did we ever get by without them in the past? Thanks iFixit - it's fixed!','date':'12/29/2020','created_date':1609257052,'modified_date':1609257174,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3775747,'name':'Mary Power-Hall','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'iFixit is a boon to the modern world. Their replacement part came quickly, was exactly the right part, and the online tutorials on how to install it are spot on. How did we ever get by without them in the past? Thanks iFixit - it's fixed!'},{'reviewid':22614,'rating':5,'headline':'HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Followed the video & print instructions and my two MacBook air battery fixes went without hitches. :) I followed the instructions for the recharging which was easy and made sense for recharging a new battery. Thanks, iFixit!','date':'12/28/2020','created_date':1609153071,'modified_date':1609153295,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3761106,'name':'Sandy Criscione','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Followed the video & print instructions and my two MacBook air battery fixes went without hitches. :) I followed the instructions for the recharging which was easy and made sense for recharging a new battery. Thanks, iFixit!'},{'reviewid':22555,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'The battery for my MacAir was dying. Ordered one from Ifixit and installed it. Works like it a new MacAir now. Long wait time on delivery but understandable with COVID and the Holidays as well as not being able to ship by air.','date':'12/24/2020','created_date':1608816334,'modified_date':1608816492,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3761055,'name':'Donald Forgie','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'The battery for my MacAir was dying. Ordered one from Ifixit and installed it. Works like it a new MacAir now. Long wait time on delivery but understandable with COVID and the Holidays as well as not being able to ship by air.'},{'reviewid':22510,'rating':5,'headline':'Parts and Guide Made This Repair Easy!','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Everything worked great!! This was my first MacBook repair and having the parts at hand and the iFixit guide led me through it. Working on other repairs, so will definitely be coming back here for all my fixes!!','date':'12/23/2020','created_date':1608711379,'modified_date':1608711781,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3778305,'name':'Carl Martin','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Everything worked great!! This was my first MacBook repair and having the parts at hand and the iFixit guide led me through it. Working on other repairs, so will definitely be coming back here for all my fixes!!'},{'reviewid':22328,'rating':5,'headline':'Good 3rd party battery','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Good replacement battery for my 5 year old MacBook Air. Battery life is significantly better now. The replacement process was easy to follow.','date':'12/17/2020','created_date':1608228092,'modified_date':1608228161,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3760641,'name':'Gene Lee','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Good replacement battery for my 5 year old MacBook Air. Battery life is significantly better now. The replacement process was easy to follow.'},{'reviewid':22290,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Part Only','body':'I followed the ifixit guide and the battery replacement went smoothly, except I needed to use a long-nose pliers to remove the battery plug from the socket. The computer recognized the new battery and reset the battery cycle count properly. Very happy with the result.','date':'12/16/2020','created_date':1608156125,'modified_date':1608156354,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3746769,'name':'Irving Rosenstein','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'I followed the ifixit guide and the battery replacement went smoothly, except I needed to use a long-nose pliers to remove the battery plug from the socket. The computer recognized the new battery and reset the battery cycle count properly. Very happy with the result.'},{'reviewid':22282,'rating':5,'headline':'Easy and fun, works like a charm','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Easy to follow instructions, worked like a charm. I have been finding it kind of fun to take apart apple products and repair them with ifixit kits. Note: The instructions point out a connector part that you have to be careful with so as not to bend and break it. I would emphasize that it's really easy to bend it even if you're being careful. Thankfully, it does not seem to have broken in my case, since I only bent it a tiny bit, but it kind of worried me there for a minute.','date':'12/16/2020','created_date':1608134113,'modified_date':1608134261,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3224535,'name':'Noah Silbert','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Easy to follow instructions, worked like a charm. I have been finding it kind of fun to take apart apple products and repair them with ifixit kits. Note: The instructions point out a connector part that you have to be careful with so as not to bend and break it. I would emphasize that it's really ea'},{'reviewid':22258,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Great kit with just the right tools included. Quite simple to follow the instructions and get this done easily.','date':'12/16/2020','created_date':1608113869,'modified_date':1608114630,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3759489,'name':'CHARLES ILTIS','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Great kit with just the right tools included. Quite simple to follow the instructions and get this done easily.'},{'reviewid':22083,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Part Only','body':'Great','date':'12/11/2020','created_date':1607695291,'modified_date':1607695297,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3761375,'name':'michael borman','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Great'},{'reviewid':22024,'rating':1,'headline':'Same performance','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Battery discharges fast it feels like how the old battery was','date':'12/10/2020','created_date':1607653484,'modified_date':1607653532,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3745759,'name':'Najib Ghadri','avatar':' images/avatars/User/ifixit/avatar-7.thumbnail','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Battery discharges fast it feels like how the old battery was'},{'reviewid':22003,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'The new battery is performing well. The installation was quick and easy. It saved my laptop from the dustbin.','date':'12/10/2020','created_date':1607622867,'modified_date':1607622941,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3739358,'name':'James Kalb','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'The new battery is performing well. The installation was quick and easy. It saved my laptop from the dustbin.'},{'reviewid':21891,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Battery works great, and the installation was easy!','date':'12/08/2020','created_date':1607444409,'modified_date':1607444467,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3745514,'name':'Andrew Clay','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Battery works great, and the installation was easy!'},{'reviewid':21883,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'It take less than 10 minutes to replace the battery. It's literally 'plug and play'.','date':'12/08/2020','created_date':1607442217,'modified_date':1607442316,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3744166,'name':'Marcus Miller','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'It take less than 10 minutes to replace the battery. It's literally 'plug and play'.'},{'reviewid':21848,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Great product! Battery was easy to install and works great.','date':'12/07/2020','created_date':1607359263,'modified_date':1607359319,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3741657,'name':'Rj DeLorto','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Great product! Battery was easy to install and works great.'},{'reviewid':21843,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Worked perfectly, and easy to install (as long as you're careful not to break the connector)','date':'12/07/2020','created_date':1607350714,'modified_date':1607350739,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':1583589,'name':'Benjamin Trahan','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Worked perfectly, and easy to install (as long as you're careful not to break the connector)'},{'reviewid':21823,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Worked great! Let at installere. Online instructions are easy to follow.','date':'12/06/2020','created_date':1607301305,'modified_date':1607301377,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3737824,'name':'Kevin Signor','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Worked great! Let at installere. Online instructions are easy to follow.'},{'reviewid':21801,'rating':4,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'There is some confusion in the directions on whether or not you are supposed to leave the sticker on the battery. I did and everything is fine.','date':'12/04/2020','created_date':1607097105,'modified_date':1607097182,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3624909,'name':'Stacy Zemke','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'There is some confusion in the directions on whether or not you are supposed to leave the sticker on the battery. I did and everything is fine.'},{'reviewid':21731,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Great battery. Very easy install. Totally fixed the issue.','date':'12/03/2020','created_date':1607012113,'modified_date':1607012164,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3746848,'name':'Scott Heckler','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Great battery. Very easy install. Totally fixed the issue.'},{'reviewid':21647,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'So glad I was able to replace my battery. The instructions and comments were helpful.','date':'12/02/2020','created_date':1606911057,'modified_date':1606911097,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3737762,'name':'Robin Kahler','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'So glad I was able to replace my battery. The instructions and comments were helpful.'},{'reviewid':21621,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Worked as expected!','date':'12/01/2020','created_date':1606869334,'modified_date':1606869347,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':839825,'name':'jprather','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Worked as expected!'},{'reviewid':21429,'rating':5,'headline':'Great install experience','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'My battery was on its last leg and I wanted to replace it. Called Apple but they said the part for this macbook is obsolete. Googled batteries and came across this website. I was skeptical at first because I know it's not a genuine Apple battery but gave it a try. VERY easy to install following the video and going through the step by step instructions on the website. Cool to see comments from others at each step. My mac is up and running and getting ready to calibrate the battery for the first time. Definitely recommend!','date':'11/25/2020','created_date':1606320910,'modified_date':1606320912,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3740192,'name':'Xavier Williams','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'My battery was on its last leg and I wanted to replace it. Called Apple but they said the part for this macbook is obsolete. Googled batteries and came across this website. I was skeptical at first because I know it's not a genuine Apple battery but gave it a try. VERY easy to install following the '},{'reviewid':21408,'rating':5,'headline':'Easy Peasy','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'The instructions were spot on and the battery was replaced in less than 15 minutes.','date':'11/25/2020','created_date':1606299139,'modified_date':1606299198,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3695785,'name':'Don Malpas','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'The instructions were spot on and the battery was replaced in less than 15 minutes.'},{'reviewid':21368,'rating':5,'headline':'The use of my laptop is my priority.','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Very happy with this, but after installation it still won't charge the laptop. Even bought a new cord. Not happy.','date':'11/24/2020','created_date':1606224775,'modified_date':1606224913,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3737149,'name':'William','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Very happy with this, but after installation it still won't charge the laptop. Even bought a new cord. Not happy.'},{'reviewid':21327,'rating':5,'headline':'Nailed it','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Good packaging and works perfectly.','date':'11/23/2020','created_date':1606138624,'modified_date':1606138675,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3724241,'name':'Daniel Hong','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Good packaging and works perfectly.'},{'reviewid':21318,'rating':5,'headline':'Great Product!!!','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Worked perfectly with no issues. Super easy to repair. Would definitely recommend to anyone with similar issues.','date':'11/23/2020','created_date':1606130676,'modified_date':1606130724,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3725207,'name':'Brandon Schexnayder','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Worked perfectly with no issues. Super easy to repair. Would definitely recommend to anyone with similar issues.'},{'reviewid':21073,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Super easy process changing out a laptop battery. All tools included in the kit and the ifixit video was very complete.','date':'11/13/2020','created_date':1605275824,'modified_date':1605275898,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3724280,'name':'Leonard Poirier','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Super easy process changing out a laptop battery. All tools included in the kit and the ifixit video was very complete.'},{'reviewid':21057,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Easy as can be, and the new battery is good as new!','date':'11/12/2020','created_date':1605234155,'modified_date':1605234171,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3716648,'name':'Spencer Flynn','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Easy as can be, and the new battery is good as new!'},{'reviewid':21019,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'It definitely solved my problem! :-D. Thank you so much IFIXIT','date':'11/10/2020','created_date':1605061564,'modified_date':1605061590,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3721254,'name':'Bryan Omukhulu','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'It definitely solved my problem! :-D. Thank you so much IFIXIT'},{'reviewid':21018,'rating':5,'headline':'Had some hiccups, but all is well','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Arrived quickly. After replacing the battery, I had some problems. It started normally at first, but the keyboard and track pad didn't work. I tried restarting and it would start up 3/4 of the way and then show images of the side and bottom of the laptop. Turns out, I had disrupted the track pad connection when removing the old battery. I found some videos on YouTube and was able to reconnect the track pad and reinstall the new battery. Works great now.','date':'11/10/2020','created_date':1605037506,'modified_date':1605037814,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3721906,'name':'Melissa Swartz','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Arrived quickly. After replacing the battery, I had some problems. It started normally at first, but the keyboard and track pad didn't work. I tried restarting and it would start up 3/4 of the way and then show images of the side and bottom of the laptop. Turns out, I had disrupted the track pad co'},{'reviewid':20926,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Ordered a replacement battery for my 2017 MacBook Air. I spent the extra couple of bucks and ordered the screw driver kit. I was delighted to see that the driver heads were magnetized which made the job so much easier. The battery replacement took 10 minutes and everything worked out perfectly.','date':'11/07/2020','created_date':1604751554,'modified_date':1604751950,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3717302,'name':'Timothy Koller','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Ordered a replacement battery for my 2017 MacBook Air. I spent the extra couple of bucks and ordered the screw driver kit. I was delighted to see that the driver heads were magnetized which made the job so much easier. The battery replacement took 10 minutes and everything worked out perfectly.'},{'reviewid':20820,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'This battery made a huge difference in my struggle against the broken battery before i recieved this one. Despite the packaging tape being torn, everything was in the box. I will use this company in the future for tech needs.','date':'11/04/2020','created_date':1604499059,'modified_date':1604499200,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3714595,'name':'Maurizio DeMatteo','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'This battery made a huge difference in my struggle against the broken battery before i recieved this one. Despite the packaging tape being torn, everything was in the box. I will use this company in the future for tech needs.'},{'reviewid':20818,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Part Only','body':'Arrived safely and repair went great!','date':'11/04/2020','created_date':1604497847,'modified_date':1604497888,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3706202,'name':'renee snyder','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Arrived safely and repair went great!'},{'reviewid':20703,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'Seems to be working well. The online video was very clear and helpful.','date':'10/30/2020','created_date':1604092758,'modified_date':1604092849,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3704825,'name':'Michael Keefe','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'Seems to be working well. The online video was very clear and helpful.'},{'reviewid':20689,'rating':5,'headline':'','productName':'MacBook Air 13' (Late 2010-2017) Battery','productVariantName':'New / Fix Kit','body':'so far so good. box contained all i needed including the tools. was super easy to replace the battery after watching a video. followed the instructions to calibrate the new battery once installed. now i have to see how long the fully charged battery will last.','date':'10/30/2020','created_date':1604069132,'modified_date':1604069325,'langid':'en','author':{'userid':3700719,'name':'Debra Malmgren','avatar':'','url':'','canEdit':false},'body_trunc':'so far so good. box contained all i needed including the tools. was super easy to replace the battery after watching a video. followed the instructions to calibrate the new battery once installed. now i have to see how long the fully charged battery will last.'}],'count':426,'average':4.8,'groupedReviews':{'1':14,'2':1,'3':3,'4':17,'5':391}},'itemcode':'IF188-113-2'}'> >>GREATEST SHT EVER! DON'T STOP WITH YOUR SERVICE! TOO MANY COMPANIES OUT THERE ARE BULLSHT! EVERY TIME I ORDER FROM YOU, I GET GREAT QUALITY WITH GREAT SERVICE FROM THE MOMENT I MAKE THE ORDER TILL I INSTALL THE ORDER! VIDEOS ARE GREAT ALSO! SO VERY NEEDED! (THUMBS UP BIG LEAGUE!)'>

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Pro Tech Toolkit

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Arctic Silver Thermal Paste

$ 8,99

MacBook Air 11 '(midten af ​​2011-begyndelsen af ​​2015) Kun batteri / del

$ 79,99

MacBook Pro 15 'Retina (sidst i 2013-midten af ​​2014) Batteri / kun nyt / del

89,99 $

Essential Electronics Toolkit

$ 24,99

MacBook Air 13 '(midten af ​​2011-begyndelsen af ​​2015) tastatur

29,99 $

Fremhævede Produkter

Manta Driver Kit - 112 Bit Driver Kit

$ 64,99

Minnow Driver Kit

14,99 $

Moray Driver Kit

$ 19,99

Mahi Driver Kit - 48 Bit Driver Kit

$ 34,99

Mako Driver Kit - 64 præcisionsbits

$ 34,99

Repair Business Toolkit / Reparer Business Toolkit

$ 274,99